Rooted in tradition and creating new things
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Here are the podcasts for the course THEO 101-102 at George Fox University. The host website here is the website of one of the professors for the course. (This course used to be called “I Believe,” which is why it is labeled that way in the URL!)


This week we’re discussing one of the most dreaded and revered concepts at Christian colleges: the “ring by spring” phenomenon. Students talk about it at George Fox. They talk about it at Gonzaga. And it is apparently also the title of a Hallmark movie. We use the concept as a bridge to thinking about the romantic relationships between the ancestors in Genesis chs. 12–50: Abraham and Sarah, Isaac and Rebekah, Jacob and Rachel and Leah, Joseph and Asenath. And…others. Were these marriages “good” marriages? What should we make of their methods of engagement (often in arranged marriages)? Dr. Doak and Dr. Payne debate.

Brian Doak