Rooted in tradition and creating new things
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Here are the podcasts for the course THEO 101-102 at George Fox University. The host website here is the website of one of the professors for the course. (This course used to be called “I Believe,” which is why it is labeled that way in the URL!)


Here is an important affirmation for Christians: Jesus Saves. But an important question arises: How? This week, we go into the THEO archives for a live debate in Bauman Auditorium in front of hundreds of students on the question: Is the “penal substitution” theory of the atonement the best way to answer this question of how Jesus saves? GFU professors Dr. Javier Garcia and Dr. Nijay Gupta take the stage in a spirited exchange.
IF YOU WANT MORE BACKGROUND ON PENAL SUBSTITUTION, here you go. (Dr. Garcia begins his part of the debate mostly assuming you already know what it is.)
OUR ARTIFACT: “Jesus Saves” bumper stickers

Brian Doak